How to reduce your business costs in 10 easy steps

In addition to easing cash flow pressure, lowering your outgoings has many advantages, helping you to reduce costs and improve processes.

Though it will require some smart thinking, it shouldn't be as painful as you imagine.

Take a look at these 10 tips below:

Explore an alternative place of business:

If you are considering renting office space for the long term, why not consider another option? For example, depending on the nature of your business, you might:

  • Downsize

  • Consider co-working

  • Make your business work from home permanently for you and your employees

Whatever the case, you might be in a strong position when renegotiating your lease with your landlord given the current economic climate.

Maintain a budget

By keeping a budget, you can not only impose some financial discipline on your business costs, but also benchmark them over time. In addition, you should be able to identify areas where you can reduce spending.

Are you planning to move from paper-based processes to digital ones?

Create a digital marketing strategy

The importance of online marketing cannot be overstated. You have to make every penny count.

With this tool, you can measure and monitor your marketing campaigns at a relatively low cost. You can also engage customers through various formats:

  • Online social networks

  • Blogging

  • Video blogs (vlogs)

Compared to traditional marketing, you can accomplish most of this at a much lower cost.

Pool your equipment with other businesses
Having constructive relationships with other small-business owners will allow you to:

  • Use the same equipment

  • Purchase goods and materials in bulk

  • Trade some services for others

For example PR companies can provide free publicity to retailers in exchange for discounts or freebies.

Hire part-time or freelance workers

Freelancers and part-time workers, especially those aged 40 to 50, represent a large and overlooked talent pool.

The area offers experienced, hardworking and knowledgeable workers for a relatively low price. Rather than climbing the career ladder, they are focused on delivering a service.

Renew services manually instead of automatically

Your business insurance, mobile phone contract, or broadband contract might be overpriced if you automatically renew them.

You should always renegotiate each year to make sure you're getting the most favorable deal.

Financing costs should be kept to a minimum

Being late with loan repayments and using over your business credit card limit can cost you hundreds or even thousands of pounds each year.

Stay on top of your bills and pay them on time to reduce interest charges. Make sure you keep track of your payments and set up alerts to remind you when they are due.

Learn from your bank

You might be able to reduce finance costs in your business by consulting your bank. Since they deal with thousands of business customers, they will have gathered a lot of insight.

Even if you have cashflow problems, it's worth trying to develop a deeper relationship with them. Using your business bank account to its full potential is also imperative.

Dont be afraid to negotiate

It is always a smart idea to bargain hard, without embarrassment, and with a smile and humility. If you can develop street-savvy business sense, you'll survive in these most competitive times.

Business owners should eventually learn to haggle as second nature.

Seek out tax reliefs

There are a number of tax reliefs available for small businesses

Research and development businesses may be eligible to claim tax relief. Your property may also qualify for small-business rate relief.

Office supplies, vehicle fuel, and marketing costs are all tax-deductible expenses.


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