Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

3 tips for a better work balance between work and mental health

The past two years in particular have thrown up a previously unseen level of disruption and turmoil for small businesses. From the pandemic, to soaring inflation and energy prices, it’s no surprise that finding the time to invest in mental wellbeing is proving challenging.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS)

Through the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), investors, including directors, can receive initial tax relief of 50% on investments up to £100,000 and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption for any gains on the SEIS shares.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

How can your business maximise R&D tax credit benefits?

This week in Small Business, Mark Joyner of RDS shares his knowledge of R&D tax credits, outlining just who can apply and what they could expect to receive. This is a very interesting article that we wanted to share with you, highlighting the missed opportunity for businesses across the UK.

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